Using a Planner

The Key to Moving Forward is Working Backwards — How to Make an Effective Plan Today That Gets You Where You Want Tomorrow

Systems for Success

Colleen Gecawich, ALC
3 min readJan 9, 2024


snapshot of planner page showing tasks listed for each day
Photo by Author — Sample planner

If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up someplace else. — Yogi Berra

I would add, If you don’t know how to get where you are going, you will waste a lot of time trying to get there.”

We all struggle with accomplishing goals, completing projects, being prepared for exams or presentations. We know what we want to achieve but we are not sure of the exact steps we need to take. Or maybe we know what the steps are, but we fail to create and execute a plan to complete those steps on time.

I encourage clients to use a paper calendar or planner to make a written plan. It works best if you can see an entire week at a glance, and each day has space to list all of your tasks.

The key to making an effective plan is simple — work backwards.

1) First, write down your end goal:

- Math test on Friday

- Paper due Thursday



Colleen Gecawich, ALC

A passion for education and curiosity about how we learn led me to become an Academic Life Coach…but my secret wish is to be a librarian/detective.